On god and gods
We do not claim to know the absolute truth. We do say that when the absence of proof exists,
we must doubt.
We do say that you cannot make others to do things that are against their will; and if this is the case,
then we say that this is wrong.
We say that god exist; that a creator exist; and that our meaning of god differs from the definition given
to us by the Jews. The Christian concept of god is almost identical to ours: Man can become a god. In other words,
we say we are our own gods. We say we are descendant of gods. We say god is not dead, god is within us.
But please understand: We do not endorse egoism, selfishness and greed. Our concepts and
philosophy is just different from yours. That is all.
We do not say that god is All Good and All Powerful and Everywhere. We say god is god, and god can
be whatever god wants to be: benevolent, evil, a plant, an elephant, a human, etc.